He Who Knows More, Can Do More
05.06.2019Social Responsibility: Graduates from Kropyvnytskyi College of Engineering Defend Thesis at PC RPC Radiy
24.06.2019According to requirements of RPC Radiy Quality Management System CStd 22-1918, the company systematically conducts training of its staff. This is an annual program that consists of seminars, workshops, and special courses, increases level of personnel qualification, gives them new knowledge and skills, and introduces them to new technologies, techniques and work methods.
In June 2019, training activities at RPC Radiy are proceeding efficiently and eventful. On June 11, 2019, Egor Gozbenko, an engineer-circuit designer from I&C Design Group, conducted a training for developers of FPGA-based digital systems. During this course, the instructor shared his experience regarding optimization of the project under Quartus Prime.
Previously on May 21, 2019, Mr. Gozbenko received training on this subject in the HQ of the company Biakom. The goals of the project optimization exercise were:
- Understanding a report on utilization of resources of Intel FPGA;
- Writing an efficient code for FPGA productivity maximization and utilization of instruments for synthesis.
- Application of synthesis attributes in Quartus and/or Assignment Editor for the accurate configuration of the synthesizer behavior;
- Development of FSM for achieving higher levels of productivity and reliability.
On June 12, 2019, Eugene Bulba, Validation Department manager at RadiCS LLC and ISTGB certified Test Manager, conducted the first lesson of a 6-week course called “Testing Specialist”. This training teaches basics of testing (including testing during life-cycle of a software development), strategic and design methods as well as testing control and its instrumentation. Theory and experiential parts of the training were developed based on the program ISTGB Foundation Level of the year 2018.
Success consists of implemented opportunities. The one to win utilizes them to the fullest 100%.