
The Chairman of the Supervisory Council of PC RPC Radiy was rewarded with the order “Patriots of Kirovograd Region”

The international project “All Across the Ukraine” was completed and its final stage of recognizing winners took place on March 26, 2019. The Project was launched by the information and publishing center “Galaxy” and was enthusiastically supported by the Kirovograd Region Administration

Radiy is ready to offer Radics Platform-based advanced technical solutions as barriers to plant digital modernization in the US are down

From February 9-14, 2019 Radiy/Radics representatives took part in the 11th Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control and Human-Machine Interface Technologies. Every second year NPIC&HMIT forum gives an excellent chance for nuclear I&C and human factor engineering professionals to meet with leaders in industry and academia, discover the state of the technology, exchange information and discuss future directions

Successful Factory Acceptance Testing of Power Supply for Rod Control System at SS South-Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant

The FAT commission confirmed that the Power Supply System meets Ukrainian standards on nuclear and radiation safety and that the equipment ensures safe and proper functioning in all operation modes. It was recommended that the system be delivered to the customer