
Witness Testing for RadICS Newly-Developed Modules

Radiy subjected three newly-developed modules: TIM (Thermocouple Inputs Module), RIM (Resistance Temperature Detector Inputs Module), WAIM (Wide Range Analog Inputs Module) for witness testing as well as updated software to configure RadICS platform and provide online monitoring to its components

DESSERT 2020: setting high standards, no matter what

Due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, DESSERT 2020 was held online May 14-17 with the theme: "IoT, Big Data and AI for a Safe & Secure World and Industry 4.0.”Due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, DESSERT 2020 was held online May 14-17 with the theme: "IoT, Big Data and AI for a Safe & Secure World and Industry 4.0.”

The Just Reward

Aleksandr Siora, Ph.D. in Technology, the General Director of Public Company Research and Production Corporation Radiy and Vyacheslav Kharchenko, the Doctor of Science and the Department Head at Kharkiv National Aerospace University named after N. Zhukovskyi, were rewarded with the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology in recognition of their research “Meeting functional safety requirements for critical I&C Systems”